June 28 - July 26
6:00p.m. - $1 Dinner
7:00p.m. - Intergenerational Worship & Drama
7:30-8:30p.m. - Classes for All Ages

led by various leaders
This is a hands-on, do-it-yourself workshop in which you
will take home something each week that you made.
The projects will vary from week to week. During the
course of five nights, we will be making wood crafts,
yarn crafts, and even a healthy salad!
Note: Adults only, limited to 30 people.

led by Becky Vanderzee & Pastor Bonny
This class will include learning how to love various neigh- bors well by putting what we learn into action. Each class will focus on a particular type of “neighbor” who we will learn about and then do a hands-on activity that will help us put that love into action. Come learn how to support our missionaries, enemies, the homeless, the hurting, and the “others” in our lives.

led by Denise Tamminga
What you don’t know about yourself can hurt you—and your relationships. It can also affect how you relate to God. Do you want help figuring out who you are and why you repeatedly stumble into the same patterns? Using the wisdom of the ancient personality type system called The Enneagram, this class will help you learn more about your- self and offer practical insights that can help you grow individually and in your relationships with God and others.

led by Randy Ollmann
We will explore what it means to be a Kingdom Dad. How Scripture guides and directs us in all manners of father- hood. We will explore several topics like Spiritual Leader- ship, Discipline, Finances, Life Skills, etc. Children naturally want to learn and explore; they will learn it from the world or from you. This study is for all men, current or potential dads, as we are role models to our own children and all those we come in contact with.

led by Jeff Schwieger, Psychologist & Pastor Norberto Wolf
Anxiety can be constructive or destructive. This class will offer a safe place to explore and support one anoth- er with debilitating forms of anxiety. We will discuss what Scripture and psychology have to offer in helping regu- late chronic anxiety, as well as healthy ways to process and manage anxiety when difficult, hurtful, and/or over- whelming experiences happen.

Our 7th and 8th graders will also dive in to the “Loving Our Neighbors” theme, as they wrestle with what it looks like to love God with all their heart, mind, soul and strength and to love their neighbor as themselves. This will include wrestling with topics like loving the unlovable and forgiving others in a world that would prefer to hold grudges.