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What we Believe

Rosewood Church is part of the Christian Reformed Church in North America.


We call ourselves Christian because we are followers of Jesus Christ.  

We believe that Jesus was the Son of God.  Our most important beliefs about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Creation, and the Bible are shared by Christians around the world.


We're called Reformed because we're part of that historic branch of the Christian church that was heavily influenced by the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century. 


We believe God has called us together as a Church to be a people who belong to him and are called to live for Him.


The Bible is the Foundation

The Christian Reformed Church has always taken the scriptures seriously. We stand unashamedly on God's Word. Teaching and learning form the Bible shapes not only our Sunday worship, but also our small group ministries, our youth programs, and our vision for discipleship. we intend to produce Christians knowledgeable in the Word.

Our Church is a Safe Place to Not Be Okay

Even though God hates sin, he loves sinners. And he is incredibly patient with us. At Rosewood we want to reflect God's patience and the spirit of acceptance that we see in Jesus' ministry. Here people will be free to share their story, and leaders will model vulnerability and authenticity. We want to be honest about brokenness so that God can make this a place of healing.

Ministry is the Call of Every Believer

Life becomes meaningful when we find a place of service. And God has made a way for every believer to invest in his cause by using the spiritual gifts which He provides. At Rosewood we intend to help every believer discover their spiritual gifts and find the place where God is calling them to ministry.

Prayer is the Air

At Rosewood, we believe prayer is not just a program, it's a way of life. Prayer is the air we breathe; it's the atmosphere in which we will live and move and have our ministry. Prayer is the way in which we live before the face of God, the way in which Jesus will direct our ministries, and the way in which the Spirit of God will empower our otherwise feebile efforts.

Worship is Encountering God

At Rosewood we self-conciously try to create worship eperiences that help people meet Jesus personally. Our desire is that even first-time guests will sense that they are standing on holy ground.

Stewardship is a Way of Life

All of life is God's. A mature Christian is one who sees all of life in relationship to the Lord and puts God first in the management of time, money, relationships, leisure, and daily work. Our ministry dreams cannot be achieved without people whose hearts are generous towards God.

Lost People Matter to God 

The reason Jesus came into the world was "to seek and to save the lost." For this reason, Jesus spent most of his time not within the religious establishment but with ordinary folks, including the poor, the sinful, the weak, and the broken. At Rosewood we want to share God's heart for the lost.

Spiritual Growth Happens in Community

The Christian faith is not just about "me and Jesus." Even the best of us cannot experience optimal growth unless we are engaged, encouraged, and accountable in community. Therefore small groups are central to our ministry strategy, the infrastructure for discipleship and care-giving in the community of faith.

A Multi-Cultural Church Reflects God's Heart

Southern California is a sea of multi-ethnicity. But this does not mean that people understand and love one another. God's intention from the beginning was to create a community  where people from every  race and tribe and tongue and nation are joined together in the worship and service of Jesus Christ. Here at Rosewood, we want to be part of God's work of bringing people and races together in unity.

Children Are Valued

At Rosewood we see youth not only as the recipients of ministry, but also as partners in ministry. Children and young people are not just the church of the future; they are the church of today. We want them to lead us and teach us, even as we wish them to be teachable.



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